1. I picked up The Measure of a Man, by Sidney Poitier the other day at Walmart of all places. Be it the fact that it only lightened my wallet by a mere 10 dollars, that I had some leisure time coming up, the possibility of doing something besides holding a controller in my hands for x number of hours, or my subconcious celebrating what is Black History Month, i quickly ripped the last copy off the shelf. You see, I've been a strong believer in the fact that knowledge comes from sharing thoughts with others, common sense right? So why not allow myself to gain some sort of knowledge and possible inspiration from Mr. Poitier, a man with an almost unending number of accolades. Hey I may seem to be the most intelligent, sophisticated man any of you have ever met, (i'm fucking awesome aren't I) but at the end of the day, i've only been making footprints in the mud for 19 years, so i'm loving the idea of hearing the view of life from someone with 70+ years of life, and over 40 of those years in the film industry. Anyone who hasn't seen any of his films, are doing themselvs a great disservice. I'll be sure to give a final report when i'm done with the book.

2. After the superbowl, and mainly Prince's Superbowl performance (if you didn't see it, think purple rain...out in the Miami storm), I spent the following week seeking out some of Prince's lesser known albums. Now when I say lesser known, I don't mean the horrible albums he made in the 90's that contained tracks such as "Pussy Control." I don't care what anybody says, THAT IS NOT A GOOD SONG. Funny though, that song came up in a class discussion about America's viewpoint on women's issues. Anyways, everybody should remember fantastic albums such as Purple Rain, 1999, or Sign o' the Times (which in the eyes of may is his greatest album). Yet, as those are fan-fucking-tastic albums, those are just a small teardrop in a bucket full of fanastic albums. I sought out Graffiti Bridge, Dirty Mind, Parade, Lovesexy, Around the World in a Day, andddddddd the greatest fucking soundtrack since footloose(yeah i LIKE that soundtrack jackoffs), the Prince/Batman Sdtrk. I'm going to spend a couple days going into each album....well, i'm going to try.

3. One last thing, Valentines Day is next week, and besides St. Patricks day (haha), it is the most useless waste of a day I have ever seen. This is not from the standpoint of a bitter, love scorned man, on the contrary, that would require me to actually give a damn about anyone. Lovers holding hands, buying perishable chocolates, lets hope those extra lbs atleast go to a good place.
Until Next Time,
Sexiest Man Alive 1988-