Sunday, August 27, 2006

So another semester began.....

I've been back at Eastern for a week now, my second semester of skirt chasin, video game tourneys, loud self-aborbed proffesors, ever-changing majors,..and procrastination. I must say, although i've been here on my second year now, I sadly, am not yet a sophmore, yet i'm also not a bright-eyed, bushy tailed kid who just threw their cap in the air at graduation in exchange for matching bed spreads with my roomate, but i too still have the title of freshman on my transcript.

This year, everything changes (or atleast thats what I told my parents when they showed me their dry wallets and spoke of things being all "in vain") I've set myself up for a more serious, more mature way to handle this college thing. I plan on trying this new novel idea of hard work, now now i know that might seem crazy, but it has the possibility of working! You see, I got it in my head a couple years ago (during this stage where my head began to grow...and grow) that I could pass classes, or do anything for that matter, without much work. I fell into the same hole that most people these days, procrastination. My biggest flaw possibly, last year I pushed every assingment, project, peice of research, until the last possible moment. Now, had I actually completed these things in the chaotic last second, that would have been somewhat of ok, yet when i'd get to this moment, I would half ass it just enough to where i could realistically cross my fingers for a C. This year...I'm playin it straight as possible, shit i'm paying out the ass for this "education" why not put for some sort of real effort! Now there are two classes this year that some would consider terribly easy (and they are) but there the only two that i'd like to comment on....

Even Zorro! had to start out somewheres...
So yeah, I cashed in 200 some odd dolars in exchange for a pointy stick and a white padded suit (ladies love it), Now, you could assume that I have aspirations of being in the next Pirates of the Carrribean flick (too late, its already being filmed), or you could just see this as I did, an awesome opportunity to learn better technique, look like a baddass, and add "swashbuckler" to my list of talents...expect to see lotsa pictures in my gear in the coming weeks..

and another favorite class pickup for fall '06...

The two pictures you see above are from two of the ealiest (and most well known) films in "moving picture show" history. The first is from The Great Train Robbery, the second being from A Trip to the Moon. Both of which are MUSTS for any film buff, outstanding feature length films at a time where most filmakers where creating films of no more than a minute or two. I suggest that anyone and everyone seek both of these little creative gems out. I'm really psyched about the rest of the films we plan to see and analyze (and give extensive breakdowns on) in the coming weeks, so expect many rather boring reviews on many of them. As for this week, our next flick will be a little favorite for Brinton's...(haha) I think you'll all recall a little D.W. Griffith film titled Birth of a Nation (which my professor summed up as a purely Civil War flick), keep posted for my breakdown of FINALLY getting to see that...oh...i can...wait...

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Davenport, a trip that was supposed to be my short moment of relaxation after the Lollapalooza exhaustion. I got here last Monday evening, and I was SUPPOSED to be back possibly around Satuday (of last week mind you). Between Mon and Sat there was that wonderful Pluckers Challenge (which you can read about below), the trip to the Gym to hoop it up and of course, what is a vacation with hitting the water? You see, my sister resides in Davenport, which is on the very edge of Iowa, about 10 minutes from Illinios in fact. They (my sister and her friend) had plans to make this little 5 day trip a mini-adventure I guess, when in reality, you can't get much done in half a week now can you?
Lets see, the most notable little tidbit i guess would be the trip to the the pool (dont' ask why, just know that i'm not the greatest of little swimmers) so they (jackass sister and friend) take it upon themselves to show me the way, to guide me to become the next Johnny Weismuller (i've always wanted to make a reference to him....). In short, I suck, i'm assuming that i just don't have what it takes to be a swimmer (keep in mind I was being outdone by 7 and 8 year olds near me). So instead, I settled for posing in the water for my sister's snap happy friend....

Right Said Fred has NOTHIN' on this.....hehe

I have to be careful here, people who take pictures like this, are the exact people who i love to insult for being too self-absorbed, but i just, well i'm just....too sexy ok! i'm too sexy for this blog in fact! that i got that out of me...

Overall swimming with great, it was warm outside, very attractive lifeguards (or alteast they are when the water in your eyes make you squint, honestly..they could have been men lifeguards...who knows). And besides the playful toddlers who could jump off higher diving boards than me, I had a great time.

Ok, so then Saturday slides along...I had every intention of sliding home safely, getting to my room and begin preparing to pack my stuff up (I have to move back to Eku by sunday the 20th) And the not so unthinkable happens, we get sidetracked, My sister Rena (who has divertoticulosis already) discovers (not by herself, thank the doctors for that) that she has a hole in her intestines, long story short...i'm still here...and she has surgery tommorow morning. Not to buzzkill my entry or anything, but just keep the ol' girl in your prayers people. Anywho, all in all the moral of the story is, (and its cliche as hell but still) EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED. For the past month, every plan that i've had, or made has not only fell through, but in its place a not so enjoyable situation has replaced it.

So with the hectic nature of my trip, it will continue in that fashion, I wont' get back to KY until sunday morning, and I have to be in my dorm (that means pack all my shit and say my goodbyes) by 5pm the same day, ridiculous.

Oh and because I love all you jackasses...Here's a couple pics from my trip...

oh i neglected to mention that on my vacation, i had to babysit..3 kids

I don't know what she's doing, all

having as much fun as you possibly could in a hospital room

and finally........................


Monday, August 14, 2006

I've been a little busy for the past week and a half, in fact its been terribly hectic (i'll get into later) but anyways, if you read Cory's blog entry on the trip, then you know the trip was incredible all around, now, if you didnt' read Cory's blog entry on the trip then you not only know nothing about the trip, but your level of jackassery is immeasureable.
Basically, I loved every moment of the trip, and I don't want to tell stories that have already Been told much better than I could, but i'm just going to say, I GOT TO SEE KANYE WEST BITCHES!!!! Not only (not to brag....ok maybe just a little) did I see Kanye up close but I found my way in front of a MTVNEWS cameraman, the asked if i wanted to get interviewed, and of course I said "yes" followed by my yelling to the crowd asking for the hottest girls to crowd around (yeah i know they weren't coming over there to me cause I was hot stuff, they just wanted to get seen on tv), in short, We got interviewed on our excitement about seeing Kanye (so much so that I stumbled over alot of my words).
Oh boys and girls, shit hit the fan about 5 minutes later...I hear the mystic beginning sounds of "Diamonds of Sierra Leone" and I, along with the 100,000+ crowd start jumping like fools out there, It seemed that in my 5 ours of standing there waiting on Mr. West (along with getting the see the awesome Alt Soul sounds of Gnarls Barkley and the hypnotic Beats from Common) I had been separated from my little cronies that went on this trip with me. Oh and i must mention this one utterly gorgeous blonde from Canada that was dancing next to me, This lady was absolutely breathtaking, and so i made every attempt at every quasi-cheap line I could spit out. There's one thing you have to realize at a concert, you'll aways get upstaged by the guy ONstage, and so, she barely heard a word I said, damn you Kanye.....
OH and btw, I have to say, Gnarls Barkley never ceases to amaze the HELL out of me with there themed outfits that they put together for not only promotional photos but their shows as well...I've seen Ceelo and Danger-Mouse in Star Wars Attire, Freddy and Jason costumes, and Napoleon Dynamite just to name a few, and they didn't dissapoint with all tennis gear at Lolla' '06 with Ceelo launching tennis balls out to the crowd with a great backswing from the racket!! yikes

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I Proudly Present to you: Pluckers Wing and Bar
and in the Right Corner, sporting that ever fearless smile....

So It was this afternoon, the setting, Pluckers Bar and Grill in Davenport, Iowa. First let me give a little backstory, for the last two years i've been questioned and threatened on the topic of whether or not I had the guts (as well as the gonads) to consume SUPPOSEDLY the hottest, firiest, eye sweatingest chicken wings in the U.S. You see, my sister lives here, and in all her jackassery, she challenged me, now if you weren't aware...Dayzilla doesn't back down from a challenge, so of course I agreed to give these old dead birds a taste as soon as I made my way up to Dport....and well, after two years of spewing shit from my mouth about how I can eat anything hot, it was time to back it up.....

And so, it went as such, we made our way to the resturant all the while (with me sitting in the back) giggles where heard coming from the front. These sinister sounds where the idiotic joshs from My sister and her friend. The wonderful actor in me came alive as I slowly let a fake amount of fear shine through my eyes, just enough to give off some sort of hope of victory for her and her cronies as well as those jackasses who thought they would conquer me at Plucks. We get there and proceed to take our seats, when the rather cute little waitress (damn I should have gotten her name) came over to our table and asked what we would like my sister disctinctively replies with....

" Oh we dont' want anything, but He believes he can handle the wings you have here, you know...the fiery ones, oh and please dunk them in as much sauce as you can, it'll really make the tears flow...and they will flow, but yes..thats all we need..thank you"

I purposely gulp at this point, looking into her eyes, making her believe that i feel that i've made a huge mistake, yet in reality ol' Day knew the cat was in the peverbial bag. Between the time of the order and the actual moment where i get the wings, the waitress..again in all her hotness, comes to me with yet another challenge for me. She asks me if i'd be interested in trying to eat one order in a whopping four minutes. Well SHIT i think, one order is only 6 miniature, almost insignificant wings, of course i can down them in a mighty four minutes. I thought, why babies are born in less than four minutes and yet they dare question whether i can down six little chicks? And so, I agree with a very adamant "HELL YEEEAH" and the deal (or my fate) was set.

And so, began,...the clock began its slow descent to the eventual zero, and I dug in, well sorta...actually it was me feeling like I was scarfing, but in reality I was casually chewing this crap like I had all the time in the world...and then the unthinkable happened...these suckers started to get hot...and I mean HOT, so even though I had already planned to play it off like this was quickly became a much easier act to show!

Now, I know that I can act on the levels of Poitier, DeNiro, and Bogart....but thats even good for me....basically because that my friends, was no acting. My mouth was on fire! And with A little over a minute thirty left, i still had 2 sucks to swallow! So with my sister giggling her dumbass off and thinking i've been defeating, I reached down deep (somewhere around the ball area) and pushed my mind, and my mouth to become a weedeater and tear the last two to shreds... and with nothing but 15 seconds left before I would have lost, I hear the sweet little waitress say...

"You got it,'ve ate them all, in 3:44 seconds, good job"

I looked down at the destroyed bones and then stared at my shocked sister with a rather greasy smile, looking and feeling very triumphant, and just to ensure that my victory will stay in the minds of myself, my sister and the Pluck people, they proceeded to stick my picture up on their wall of not so many badasses.

Oh, and the waitress asked me what I wanted written on my picture...after some was decided, a few words for all them doubters and jacks of asses out there with just a simple


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Just left Chicago yesterday, and made another two hour trip farther away from Kan-tuck to Iowa for the next week. Now let me just say, I don't think I have EVER had any more motivation or stories to share about this trip, so in the coming days...or hours whichever, I think i'll just sit around and post my ass off on the rather alluring tales of the good, the great, and the shit that was Lollapallooza 2006....and the surrounding nights that held it. In other words...keep in touch bitches..