I've been back at Eastern for a week now, my second semester of skirt chasin, video game tourneys, loud self-aborbed proffesors, ever-changing majors,..and procrastination. I must say, although i've been here on my second year now, I sadly, am not yet a sophmore, yet i'm also not a bright-eyed, bushy tailed kid who just threw their cap in the air at graduation in exchange for matching bed spreads with my roomate, but i too still have the title of freshman on my transcript.
This year, everything changes (or atleast thats what I told my parents when they showed me their dry wallets and spoke of things being all "in vain") I've set myself up for a more serious, more mature way to handle this college thing. I plan on trying this new novel idea of hard work, now now i know that might seem crazy, but it has the possibility of working! You see, I got it in my head a couple years ago (during this stage where my head began to grow...and grow) that I could pass classes, or do anything for that matter, without much work. I fell into the same hole that most people these days, procrastination. My biggest flaw possibly, last year I pushed every assingment, project, peice of research, until the last possible moment. Now, had I actually completed these things in the chaotic last second, that would have been somewhat of ok, yet when i'd get to this moment, I would half ass it just enough to where i could realistically cross my fingers for a C. This year...I'm playin it straight as possible, shit i'm paying out the ass for this "education" why not put for some sort of real effort! Now there are two classes this year that some would consider terribly easy (and they are) but there the only two that i'd like to comment on....

Even Zorro! had to start out somewheres...
So yeah, I cashed in 200 some odd dolars in exchange for a pointy stick and a white padded suit (ladies love it), Now, you could assume that I have aspirations of being in the next Pirates of the Carrribean flick (too late, its already being filmed), or you could just see this as I did, an awesome opportunity to learn better technique, look like a baddass, and add "swashbuckler" to my list of talents...expect to see lotsa pictures in my gear in the coming weeks..and another favorite class pickup for fall '06...


The two pictures you see above are from two of the ealiest (and most well known) films in "moving picture show" history. The first is from The Great Train Robbery, the second being from A Trip to the Moon. Both of which are MUSTS for any film buff, outstanding feature length films at a time where most filmakers where creating films of no more than a minute or two. I suggest that anyone and everyone seek both of these little creative gems out. I'm really psyched about the rest of the films we plan to see and analyze (and give extensive breakdowns on) in the coming weeks, so expect many rather boring reviews on many of them. As for this week, our next flick will be a little favorite for Brinton's...(haha) I think you'll all recall a little D.W. Griffith film titled Birth of a Nation (which my professor summed up as a purely Civil War flick), keep posted for my breakdown of FINALLY getting to see that...oh...i can...wait...
Well, I guess he wasn't entirely full of it... Birth Of A Nation does, in fact, feature the Civil War.
However, I don't ever remember entire classes being tought on it's "Civil War-ness"
Hmm, plan on updating any time soon? Maybe before the next semester? Maybe before you graduate? Maybe before you start drawing Social Security?
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